Category: Events of Partner Organisations

Germany, Merkel and multilateralism Join us for this Bridge ID discussion, Monday 10 December 2018, 18.15 for 18.30 start, followed by drinks and an opportunity for informal debate. Venue: The Map Room, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, King Charles Street, London, …

Bridge ID discussion on 10 December 2018 in London Read More »

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Dear Young Königswinter Alumni, You are receiving this newsletter as former participant of the Jung Königswinter Conference. We would like to share some news with you from the network.   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ General Assembly 2016 The YKWA Board would like to …

NEWS +++ GA +++ Nominations +++ YKWA Conference 2017 +++ EVENTS Read More »

Thursday, 1st December: Brexit talk in the Foreign Office in London for all YKWA – this is a joint event with the BGF and Bridge ID. If you like to attend please get in touch via annegretkummert @ to put down your …

Brexit talk in the Foreign Office in London for all YKWA Read More »

The Deutsch-Britische-Gesellschaft is inviting alumni to nominate candidates for this year’s Jung Königswinter Conference from19 to 24 July 2016 in Berlin. Please share your own experience and feel free to pass the programme to interested young professionals. The topics deal …

Nominations for Jung Königswinter Conference 2016 Read More »

United Europe will hold a Young Professionals Seminar in London from 3 to 5 March 2016. The workshop will focus on How to Keep Europe Together. You can find more details here. Please spread to word to interested candidates. Another seminar: …

United Europe – two seminars Read More »

Bridge ID is holding its annual general meeting on 15 February at 7pm at The Criterion (on Piccadilly Circus). Please contact for further information Silke Thomson at Walker_149

Dear members and friends of the DBG, We kindly invite you to the following event on Tuesday May 19th at 7pm where Dr. Susan Brock, University of Warwick, will give a lecture on “Celebrating Shakespeare – the Shakespeare Club of Stratford-upon-Avon”. Please note that this event …

Event in Düsseldorf on 19 May Read More »

Dear members and friends of the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Düsseldorf, Attached please find the invitation to our next event on Tuesday 18th  November 2014 at 7 pm when Andrew Gardiner will give a talk on “British Freemasonry in Germany” in the Goethe-Museum, Schloss Jägerhof. We are looking …

Event in Düsseldorf on 18 November Read More »

Dear members and friends of the Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft, After a great evening last night discussing the Scottish Independence Referendum, please find enclosed the reminder for the SECOND event after the summer break in cooperation with the British Chamber of Commerce …

Events in Düsseldorf Read More »

Dear YKW Alumni, Please have a look at a conference of the Deutsche Bundesbank that has been brought forward from the alumni network:   Young Potentials’ Forum “Shaping the Future of the Eurosystem” From 11 to 12 December 2014, the Deutsche …

Conference of Bundesbank Read More »